We had a quite few emergent themes when we got asked the question - what don't you like about the area you live in?

Here are some of them.

Access to all the data is here: Postcard Survey Findings

Traffic and Parking

This was a large theme, with many aspects of Traffic being referred to including safety, noise and frequency.

Some of the relevant responses are as follows:

“ Traffic volume and lack of Pedestrian safety on main road.”

“I live in Pitcruvie Park and I don't like the traffic chaos at school pick up time. Cars park in the turning point and on the grass. If someone needed the emergency services they wouldn't get in.”

“Lack of parking & lack of consideration by people visiting.”

“The huge increase in heavy trucks and general traffic going through the village. Properties on main street are being damaged. Also the increasing number of Airbnbs and Holiday Homes.”

“Traffic chaos in Main Street. Lower largo when it is a two way system - stressful. People walking dogs on beach and village and not picking up. People parking on double yellow lines all night.”

“Parking in Main Street, Orry & Temple car park can be very challenging. No marked Bays in Street, temple, Station. We need more visitor parking and better single. Litter dumping, dirty beaches from sea dumping. Dog Bags all over.”

Speed Bumps

The recently introduced speed bumps also merit their own heading as they were brought up a lot.

“Speed bumps ! Traffic at certain times. Local residents being grumpy about “incomers” and “visitors”. Being so far away from larger stores."

"the unnecessary speed bumps" 

Building and infrastructure degradation

Many responses mentioned derelict buildings or shared equipment as being cause for concern.

Some quotes that represent this are below:

“Don’t like the way the Lundin Links Hotel has been allowed to deteriorate.”

“Lundin links hotel - eyesore. Potholes. Pavements not being swept, looks unkept. Too many 2nd homes which are rarely used. Speed bumps.”

“The roads are awful. Sink hole in one street and council won’t fix.”

Housing and holiday homes.

There was a large amount of concern about the balance of permanent residents, affordable housing, holiday homes and people who would stay and invest in the villages and areas and many people brought up holiday homes and air BNB’s as something they did not want to see dominating the villages to the exclusion of local communities and populations.

Some people wanted more housing and others felt there was already too much being built. A desire for accessible and affordable housing was also expressed here.

“I really don’t like the increasing no. of holiday/second homes which lie empty for most of the year. For folk who visit regularly, fair enough, but most lie empty for 90% of time. These holiday homes have pushed up prices so regular folk can no longer afford to buy here. I realise of course that this is not confined only to Fife.”

“The constant demand to build expensive commuter houses within the village and in between villages.”

Litter and Pollution

There was a large proportion of replies that brought up litter, plastic pollution and dog poo.

Some of the examples of this are below.

“Some people who live here and visit don’t care in terms of the environment and behaviour - litter, dog poo and cars/transport/parking”

“Despite legislation, dog fouling remains a bit of a problem.”

“Litter, dog poo, hedgerows have been cut, but the debris not taken away and pathways difficult to get by. People need to take a bit of pride in the village and not just come into the village and live here, people not willing to commit to anything.”

Lack of Amenities in some Areas

The spread of shops is not equal throughout  the villages and recent closures of resources such as the post office are missed. There were also a few mentions of WIFI and broadband connections.

“No village shops. No post office - the van comes twice a week and this is excellent service. But a PO is a social hub. Any government worth its salt would see the demise of the village P.O’s as a loss of service amenity.”

“Lack of local shop ( Upper Largo ) - but good shops in L Links”

“Sorry to see the dearth of shops, otherwise no other dislikes”

If you didn't get a chance to complete the original survey please add your reflections below.


Please follow this link to see what changes people wanted to see in the future: Changes You Would Like To See - Largo Community Together Largo Community Together (largoct.org.uk)