We Want You To Help Out

Calling Largo Bay Nature Enthusiasts!

The Friends of Largo Bay are revving up their biodiversity project and would love your involvement!

Back in January, there was a call for volunteers to explore the bay’s biodiversity.

Since then, project leads have been brainstorming and drawing inspiration from other coastal areas.

Here’s how you can get involved:

Drop-in Session at the Railway Inn!

Join a casual meet-up at the Railway Inn on Tuesday & Wednesday, April 2nd & 3rd (6:30-7:30pm). That’s tonight & tomorrow evening 🙂

See the attached poster for details!

What to expect:

  • Community Chat & Recruitment: Discuss the project, meet fellow nature enthusiasts, and potentially join the team!
  • Marine Expertise Wanted! The project is especially looking for volunteers with marine biology knowledge to share their expertise.
  • Species ID Days & New Areas: Plans for further species identification days are in the works, potentially focusing on the west side towards the harbor (thanks, Gail!).
  • Data Update: Data collected through Epicollect will be submitted to the Fife Nature Records Centre. Some entries may require editing for accuracy before submission. (https://five.epicollect.net/project/my-profile/data)
  • Seagrass Training & Monitoring: Project leads will be attending seagrass training and share the knowledge with the group. A big thanks to Niall and Lou for their continued interest in monitoring this important habitat!
  • Citizen Science Opportunities: The group might participate in the Marine Conservation Society’s Big Seaweed Search, as data for our region is scarce. (https://www.mcsuk.org/what-you-can-do/citizen-science/big-seaweed-search/)

Collaboration is Key!

The project aims to leverage support and expertise from other organizations. Efforts to collaborate with NatureScot (who funded equipment) and explore transect work options will continue.

Your Input Matters!

This is a community-led project, so your thoughts and suggestions are valuable!

See you at the Railway Inn, no obligation just come along and find out more!

On Behalf of The Friends of Largo Bay

Also, enjoy this article from Welcome To Fife – Shared by Matt Pointon Levenmmouth Tourism Project Manager:

Welcome to Fife : 14 reasons to take the train to Levenmouth in 2024