The Big Picnic

Hello Everyone,

Happy Volunteers’ Week to all the incredible people who help out in so many ways across our community!

Your dedication and hard work are truly appreciated.

We’ll be sharing some inspiring stories from our volunteers soon, highlighting the amazing work that goes on which we have been sharing on social media.

But in the meantime, we wanted to remind everyone that the Big Picnic is just around the corner!

The Big Picnic: Sunday 9th of June 12:30pm until 4:30pm

While the weather forecast is still a bit uncertain, it looks like we might be lucky enough to have some sunshine. So pack your picnic baskets, bring some cash, and don’t forget something to sit on!

What’s in store:

  • Storytelling: Enjoy captivating tales from Andrew Steed at 1:30 pm and 3 pm.
  • Music: Get ready to groove to the tunes of Greg Smith.
  • Play Area: A dedicated space for babies and toddlers to have fun.
  • Discovery Trail Walk: Join Frances Walker at 2 pm for an exciting walk down to Lower Largo and learn something new.
  • Food & Drinks:
    • Bowling Club: Ice cream and bar open.
    • Lundin Sports Club: Cold drinks.
    • Kirkton of Largo Church: Home baking.
  • Activities & Games:
    • Lundin Sports Club: Tennis, table tennis, tours, and a tennis-themed tombola.
    • Leven Programme: Tablecloth Tales – share your stories!
    • Paxton Centre: Raffle, scrap store, badge-making, and quiz sheet.
    • Friends of Largo Bay: Information and activities.
    • Riding for the Disabled Information
    • Messy Church: Children’s activities.
    • Hatti Group
    • Upper Largo Horticultural Group: Plant sale.
    • And much more!

Want to join the fun? As a participant just show up and share in the day.

Also it’s not too late to offer something for the picnic or run a fundraiser or information stall.

Just drop me a line!

If you’re setting up a stall, please remember that all vehicles must be off-site by 11:45 am.

Thank you again for everything you do! We can’t wait to celebrate with you at the Big Picnic.

See you there !