We Had A Great Day At The Big Picnic

Thanks For Making It Such A Great Day

It was a smashing day !

Hello All,

We had an absolutely fantastic day at the Big Picnic on June 9th, thanks to the support from the Eden Communities Project and the organisation of the Resilience Group and above all to everyone who came and made it so fun !

A huge thank you to all the local groups and individuals who made the day so special:

  • Largo Area Mums & Toddlers and The Hatti Group for the lovely colourful play area for wee ones
  • Andrew Steed Magical Storyteller for captivating tales that enthralled a crowd
  • Open Sea Band for their uplifting and continuous music who gave a party vibe
  • Lower Largo Friendship Group for the active potted sports
  • Ukrainian Community for the incredible array of delicious food
  • Kirkton of Largo for the mouthwatering home-baking
  • Messy Church for the engaging kids’ activities
  • Paxton Centre for crafts, sweets, quizzes, and a great raffle
  • Friends of Largo Bay for showcasing their inspiring conservation work
  • Riding for the Disabled for sharing their amazing projects and activities
  • Lundin Sports Club for so many fun activities, toilets, tombola, cold drinks and sports including table tennis and their open doors
  • The Bowling Club for the tasty ice cream, bar and warm welcome
  • Hatti Group for their joyful presence and face-painting
  • Upper Largo Horticultural Society for the plant sale
  • William Morrison from Leven Programme for collecting ideas and memories for the River Leven bench poems
  • Donald Low and his impressive kite

And everyone else who contributed to the vibrant atmosphere!

It was heartwarming to see everyone enjoying the sunshine, music, and great company in such a wonderful space.

We can’t wait to see you all again next year!

Volunteers Week

Last week (3rd to the 9th of June) was also Volunteers’ Week, and we want to extend our deepest gratitude to all the dedicated volunteers at Largo Communities Together and associated projects.

Their contributions are invaluable and keep our community thriving as do the countless other people who help make the Largo Area Shine !

Here are just a few highlights from what they shared about their roles and experiences:

James Kay of The Largo Links also gave a bit of feedback about his role for Volunteer Week:

Community Involvement:

James, finds himself fully engaged in the community through his work. Keeping busy is a priority for him, and he particularly enjoys the “artistic” aspect of his role, which involves the layout of advertisements and the overall magazine design. Interestingly, he humorously remarks that he was at the bottom of his art class for six years until he gave up the subject!

Desert Island Essentials:

If stranded on a desert island, James’s choices reveal his love for music and storytelling. He would bring a CD player, electricity to power it, and a collection of recordings featuring every episode of the iconic BBC Radio 4 program “Desert Island Discs.” This selection would provide him with endless hours of captivating interviews and musical discoveries, making his desert island experience a bit more bearable.

These are by no means all of the volunteers but it was fun to find out more about the people who keep things running… 🙂