Our deeper dive workshops are still going


A massive thank you to everyone who has been able to make it along to any of these workshops.

We are building so many great ideas that will enhance the area and tackle ongoing issues. At the end of this process we will feed back all the ideas that came in and give you a chance to vote on what matters most in your opinion.

Our next workshop is on heritage and legacy and looks at how we can protect and celebrate the history and culture locally and how we want to develop into the future.

It will be on at the Simpson Institute, Upper Largo, Tuesday the 6th of June, come anytime after 6pm to start by 6:30pm.

We will wrap up by 9pm though it’s usually a little earlier.

Please let us know if you can come by following the link below so we can get an idea of numbers.

If you know someone who is not on our mailing list and you think would be interested to attend please let them know.

If you need any kind of assistance to participate please let us know in advance and we can prepare.

Thank you

Register for Heritage and Our Thriving Villages

We continue to thank everyone who has shown an interest in these Deeper Dive workshops and want to remind you that you are helping to build an incredible amount of ideas for the future of the Largo Area.

Knowing that the time and format may not suit everyone we will have an insert in the upcoming Largo Links so keep an eye out and if you missed a workshop take some time in your household to get your ideas down, we want to catch all ages groups, interests basically as many people as we can.

We will close the gathering of these ideas at the end of June to prioritise.

There is also a survey in the link below, let us know what you think !


Seaweed Workshops continue.

Amanda Root who is a member of the group Friends Of Largo Bay and a keen seaweed advocate is running a series of free workshops looking at the whole subject and the very many uses and benefits with a longer term view to community run seaweed farming.

It has been generously funded by The Crown Estate and they will run in Anstruther, Crail and Largo. There was a great turn out to the first one and lots of interest in Seaweed.

The third one is this evening with Phil Taylor and Duncan Campbell at the Dreel Halls in Anstruther at 7pm, just show up.

All dates available on the website.

Click below for full details.

Fife Seaweed Farm Workshops