Maintenance work continues on Lower Largo pier

On Wednesday 17th August, Largo residents may have seen a Penmans digger at work at low tide in Largo Harbour. The mouth of the harbour had become partially blocked by boulders and debris washed from the end of the pier.  Largo Pier Committee, who are working towards major reconstruction of the Pier, responded to harbour users‘ access problems by having the material moved.  This work has to be done between tides.

Jimmy Simpson, Chair of the Pier Committee, which operates as part of Largo Communities Together, a registered charity, said, “We’re now trying to raise around £1.6M for full restoration of the Pier.  We’ve completed the necessary civil engineering design work and can now pursue major grants. This process takes time, from expression of interest through to full applications and then assessment by the grant bodies and is likely to take 9 months to a year.

When we gain grant support we will take the Pier into community ownership, but in the interim we believe it’s wise to take temporary measures to limit further damage to the pier and maintain its value for harbour users. Today’s work is part of that process.  People have been very generous in their support of our work and this along with grants we have raised so far has allowed us to fund the design work we have done in addition to the temporary repair work.”