Largo Links Needs You

Hey there!

Largo Links Magazine Needs You, we would love to have your ideas for the next stages of the Largo Links – the community newsletter that has been hand delivered to every home in the area for 22 issues !

Come and say hello.

We need your help to shape the future of our community magazine, it is so highly valued and such a great means of communication and we want to know where you see it going next.

Join us for an informal chat about your ideas, suggestions, and feedback or just come and say hello this evening Wednesday, May 29th: Railway Inn, Lower Largo from 7 pm to 8:30 pm.

You can email me Priya just by replying if you have a question or just show up!

Summary of Upcoming Events

Events – Largo Communities Together Largo Communities Together (

  • 1st of June – Big Garden Blitz Montrave Hall.
  • 2nd of June Railway Opening
  • 9th of June – Big Picnic
  • 15th June – Reading Garden Opening at the Largo Community Library

The Montrave Hall needs our help with a garden blitz as the growing season is already in full swing!

We’re organising a workday for this Saturday starting at 1 pm.

Donations of compost, extra bedding plants, and any garden tools you can lend would be greatly appreciated. If anyone has a strimmer ( and could do some strimming even better) and some black bags too as the brown bin is very full.

You can drop off donations at The Montrave Hall during or before, contact Priya at [email protected] and THANK YOU !

Look forward to hearing from you !