Largo House Community Access

Our Overall Vision

We aim for a future in which Largo House and its grounds are accessible to all.


To discuss with the owners restoring the networks of paths through Largo House Estate reconnecting our communities.


Up until the 1960s, there were well established rights of way through and around the Largo House Estate (our area of interest), and many of the senior members of the local community remember them with affection. The paths were easily accessible and they linked the communities of Lundin Links, Lower Largo and Upper Largo.

As a priority, LCT aims to continue a positive dialogue with the owners regarding community access through and around our area of interest, linking up the three villages via local paths which avoid the busy A915 trunk road.

The local paths could provide pedestrians and cyclists with access through our area of interest. It should be noted that these local paths link up with existing rights of way and minor roads outwith our area of interest.

An Existing Green Network Asset (EGNA) Plan for our area of interest is already in place. It should be noted that a large part of the local paths would come within the EGNA area. EGNAs are partly about connectivity, linking people and places (Green Networks in Fife – FIFEplan Background Paper, prepared by Fife Council Scottish Natural Heritage, January 2013).


The local path plan within our area of interest aims to connect safely the villages of Lundin Links, Lower Largo and Upper Largo by considering historic rights of way and adding new ones where appropriate. The local paths will support health and wellbeing through establishing pedestrian and cycle paths through the beautiful landscape and vistas of our area of interest, keeping pedestrians and cyclists away from the busy A915 trunk road. Lastly, the Local Paths plan is about implementing the FIFEplan’s EGNA intended purpose for our area of interest.

For more details on the heritage of the site to be accessible via new pathways, please visit the Heritage page on this website.

Community Consultation Comments on Community Access

A selection of comments from interested individuals between September 2018 and January 2019.

  • Pathways for walking and cycling (joining the Largos in a wonderful setting).
  • Very keen on restoring pathways again, to link up villages and encourage walking.
  • Pathways for running and cycling. Local running and sports clubs hold classes.
  • Restore access paths first. Preserve as much of infrastructure of buildings and gardens as possible.
  • Cycle and walking routes that link to existing trail e.g. Keils Den.