As part of Largo Communities Together (LCT), the Largo Pier Group headed by Jimmy Simpson and a very able team of local people who wish to see our pier restored have been working away in the background.

So far, they have secured a Memorandum of Understanding with the owner, £8000 to complete the preliminary civil engineering assessment, and have just contracted with a local firm to do temporary repairs before the winter sets in.

The Pier group are all local volunteers, there is still a mountain to climb to secure funds for rebuilding, we do understand the enormity of the task. We have completed some community consultations over the summer during Largo Arts Week and have had meetings with residents in the last 6 weeks who are directly affected by the pier.

All their views have been recorded to help with the applications for future re-build funding. Anyone can input their views or make offers of help by emailing the Pier Subgroup from the Contact page on this website.