Largo Pier

Local Place Plan and Community Action Plan Overview

Below is a copy of the booklet sent to every household at the beginning of March.

Fife Free Press Article

New plan unveiled by Largo trust to help create ‘thriving’ communities (

Read full article above – quoted below:

‘Largo Communities Together is a vision for an area which covers Largo, Lundin Links and several villages stretching from Silverburn up to the boundary of Ceres – and the team behind it want it to be a blueprint which leads to actions and support.

The Local Place Plan and Community Plan are two documents created by the trust and Largo Area Community Council which, put together, could lead to a “thriving, sustainable community” – in short, the pages set out the aims and aspirations of the people who live and work in the area.

The place plan is rich in detail. It covers everything from traffic and pedestrian safety improvements, to preserving heritage and the environment, travel plans, and housing. It has been a huge undertaking by the volunteer members of the trust supported by Priya Logan, its development officer.

Launching the plan at The Aurrie in Largo are (from left)M Louise Robb, Priya Logan and Alistair Brown (Pic: Fife Free Press)
Launching the plan at The Aurrie in Largo are (from left)M Louise Robb, Priya Logan and Alistair Brown (Pic: Fife Free Press)

She said: “It is not a dry plan. It captures what local people are already enthusiastic about and where their energies are going. It’s easy to find out what people are unhappy about, but it is important to also know what they are passionate about.”And across the Largo area, they found people with a real desire to see their area improved and developed. Launched in 2017, the trust has some 350 members – 10% of those eligible to vote in the area – and for Alistair Brown, its role is to listen and make sure people’s voices are then heard.

“We have taken the past, we are in the present and the future will be community action plan,” he said “Our job is to keep engaging with people so we are aware of any changes in voices.”The trust has set up a number of sub groups to focus specific passions and knowledge on key areas as it takes its remit across a huge range of issues. It wants to see community assets such as the Simpson Institute retained, while tapping into the area’s rich heritage, with more done to promote and celebrate its links to Alexander Selkirk.

Its coastal setting is perfect to explore more use of beach wheelchairs to improve accessibility to the shore, while new pathways could open up the great outdoors even further. The Friends of Largo Bay has taken off with huge enthusiasm – it is one of several sub groups at the heart of the plan – and that could open the door to tackling major issues such as upgrading sewage works, expanding wooded areas, and preserving Largo Pier.’

AGM and Community Actions


A heartfelt thank you to everyone, and we eagerly look forward to what’s ahead!

Hello All,

As we approach the end of another eventful year, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for your continuous support and active participation in our community’s growth and development.

🌟 Major Milestone: We are delighted to share that our Local Place Plan has been officially submitted to Fife Council after taking peoples comments and feedback on board. This accomplishment is a testament to the collective effort of so many and their commitment. In the coming new year, we are excited to begin work in earnest on our Community Action Plan, continuing to build on the momentum we have gained. The link to Place Plan is here:

💡 Your Impact: Your feedback and input have been invaluable in shaping our initiatives. This year, we’ve seen remarkable successes, thanks to your engagement:

  • Changing Places Toilets Group: Their incredible work will significantly enhance accessibility and inclusivity in our area by ensuring the Temple Car Park is home to new Changing Places Toilets.
  • Friends of Largo Bay: The numerous creative, beach cleans and biodiverse activities organized have brought our community closer to nature and each other.
  • School Travel Plan Collaboration: Together, we’re making strides towards safer and more sustainable travel for our children.
  • AGM Participation: The great turnout at our AGM reflected your commitment to our community’s future.
  • Warm Welcome Days: These events have successfully fostered a sense of belonging and community spirit.
  • Largo Links: This valued publication continues to hit your doormats four times a year thanks to a very dedicated team.

🌱 Looking Ahead: Our subgroup leaders are tirelessly working on various initiatives, including active travel, heritage initiatives, pier restoration, biodiversity monitoring, and community resilience and emergency planning. Your continued support in these areas will help us achieve more remarkable milestones.

🎄 Season’s Greetings: As we celebrate these achievements, we also encourage you to take a well-deserved break this holiday season. Have a restful and joyful Christmas!

📃 Local Place Plan Summary: The final draft of our Local Place Plan serves as a blueprint for sustainable development in the Largo Area. Key proposals include, road safety proposals and infrastructure enhancements, active travel and accessibility initiatives, environmental stewardship, cultural enhancement and retention, and heritage preservation. This comprehensive plan is our guide towards a thriving, resilient, and cohesive community and will be accompanied by some exciting actions over the next few months.

We look forward to another year of meaningful progress and collaboration.

First of all, a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you!

We’re on the home stretch with our Local Place Plan, and the end is in sight. 🎉

 Partnerships and Fine-Tuning 🤝

We’ve had invaluable help from our partners, such as Fife Council, Planning Aid Scotland, and many others, fine-tuning every detail to make our plan as close to perfect as we can.

Our information notice period is due to start next week and we will send out notification of that to make sure you get a chance to read it in full before submission.

We will also be at the community council meeting this month for a brief overview and will arrange another timely drop in for anyone who would rather something in person.

 Key Themes of Our Plan 🏠🛣️🚴‍♀️🌳🎭

Our proposals are organized into five core themes:

1. Housing and Built Environment

2. Roads and Infrastructure

3. Active Travel

4. Environment and Recreation

5. Cultural, Community, and Care

Read more here: Largo Communities Together Placement Plan Largo Community Together

 Community-Led Action Plan 📋

We’re also almost there with our Community-Led Action Plan, set to roll out very soon, that’s the community led half of our goals. And we will need help to deliver and develop…

 Current and Future Collaborations 🤗

We’ve been actively researching organisations that can help us deliver our community action plan too such as the Fife Carers Centre, Sustrans, Circular Economies, NatureScot as well as our ongoing links such as the Fife Coast and Countryside Trust and the exciting new Welcome to Levenmouth Tourism Project.

We’re already exploring how to develop local trails that can link up more widely and we have been supporting our Friends of Largo Bay group to develop their biodiversity, arts and litter cleaning projects which have been going well. Their artworks are now on tour ! Sign up to the Friends of Largo Bay Facebook page to learn more or let me know if you want to get on their mailing list …

We are also building active travel plans and looking at how to support young people more effectively as well as partnering with the local primary school to help support their comprehensive school travel plan, which will be supported by the active travel pathways that would connect our villages up…. and we are going to publish all the details soon !

Upcoming Activities ❄️

Get ready for more “Warm Welcome” dates this winter. Our aim is to keep our community connected and engaged during the dreary months ahead. More to follow…and we need your help to do it all ! So sign up to be on our volunteer list:

 Have Your Say on the Leven Line 🚆

We’ll soon announce a drop-in date to discuss timetables for the forthcoming Leven Line at the Largo Library. Your feedback is essential!

Online feedback options here: Levenmouth Live! • Issue 8 (

Again, thanks to everyone involved.

We’re almost there, and it’s all thanks to you!

🌊 Dive Into the Fascinating World of Seaweed THIS EVENING at Largo Library!

A big thanks to everyone who dropped in to the Friends of Largo Bay tent and hope you all had  a wonderful Largo Arts Week.

We’re thrilled to remind you about the 2nd Largo Fife Seaweed Farm Talk, happening THIS VERY EVENING at the Largo Library and Community Hub.

What’s more? It’s absolutely FREE and no booking is required! 🎉

We’re privileged to host Charles Millar, the CEO of the Sustainable Inshore Fisheries Trust, and Jayson Byles from East Neuk Seaweed.

These dedicated seaweed enthusiasts will enlighten us about Seaweed and Sustainability and unfold the mesmerizing secrets of our local coasts and intertidal zones. 🌊

It’s the perfect chance to strengthen your knowledge about what Seaweed can do and what options are down the line and gather insights on how you can contribute to a more sustainable approach to our oceans. 🌍💚

🗓️ It’s Happening This Evening: August 1st

📍 Join Us At: Largo Library and Community Hub

⏰ We Kick-Off At: 7pm

Take part in this adventure in the intriguing, awe-inspiring world of seaweed which has been generously sponsored by The Crown Estate.

Looking forward to seeing you this evening, the last one is next week, all details below….

A Reminder: The Big Picnic is Back!

Fellow Picnic Enthusiasts!

Guess what’s back on the calendar? The much-loved, big picnic event! We are all set to bring the fun back on the 27th of August 2023, and we would be delighted to see you there!

Are you part of a community group and keen to take part in this day of joy and camaraderie? If so don’t hesitate, reach out to us and let’s add even more sparkle to this day. Either way invite your pals and pack your favourite picnic goodies to relish amidst the cheerful festivities. Let’s hope we see the Sun too!.

We’re also scouting for a melody maestro or a groovy band to add some foot-tapping charm to the event. Know someone or have the talent yourself? We would be thrilled to hear you play live at the picnic! 🎵

Last but not least, we have an exciting announcement to make. By the time we meet for the picnic, our draft Local Place Plan will be ready for your perusal. We’d love for you to swing by, say hello, and share your valuable feedback on the plan before we finalize it. 📜

So, come along and let’s create unforgettable memories together!

Can’t wait to see you!

Warm Summer Salutations


We hope this email finds you in high spirits as Largo Arts Week comes alive with vibrant activities. all details here: Largo Arts Week | Largoartsweek.

There’s an abundance of things to do and see in the villages and the Friends of Largo Bay have also set up shop at the Temple Car Park, creating a welcoming space for everyone to stop in learn about the biodiversity and activities and do a quick litter pick if you fancy .

Go say hello !!

Largo Fife Seaweed Farm Workshops !

Make sure and mark your calendars for the upcoming Fife Seaweed Farm workshops, the first one being on Tuesday, 25th July, at Largo Library,  it starts at 7 pm and ends at 8:30pm.

This first event will feature Rory McPhee, seaweed expert, and Cally Nurse, an incredible artist. Together, they will offer a fresh perspective on seaweed, providing a unique experience and new viewpoints, don’t miss out.

No need to book in advance, just come along and enjoy the evening, subsequent dates are available on the poster below.

The Big Picnic is Back!

We’re also thrilled to announce that the highly-anticipated big picnic is making its comeback on the 27th of August 2023!

We’d love to see you there, and if you represent a community group and want to be part of the event, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Of course, you’re more than welcome to join us for a splendid day with your friends, bringing your own picnic to enjoy the festivities.

Speaking of festivities, we are also on the lookout for a talented musician(s)to add some extra charm to the day. If you or someone you know has a musical flair, we’d be delighted to have you play on the day!

Furthermore, we have some great news to share – our draft Local Place Plan will be completed by then, so, don’t miss the opportunity to come and say hello, and let us know your thoughts on it before submission.

Pony Axes Return

Pony Axe S takes people who use wheelchairs to all the places where wheelchairs can’t take them.

There is no need to transfer to all terrain or beach wheelchairs, no need to leave your wheelchair behind.

They take you, in your wheelchair, anywhere & we are now taking bookings for some specially arranged dates in Lower Largo !

The remaining dates for Pony AxeS events this summer are below, though they are booking fast. People had such a good time at the previous ones.

  • Tuesday 22nd of  August
  • Wednesday 23rd of August

Time – 10.30-4.30 approximately – pony dependent!

Check out to get more background on this amazing organisation.

Please click below to book.

We will communicate to get a time to suit if your first choice isn’t available as it may book out quickly!

Book Pony AxeS now!

A few updates

At our next (and final Build Our Place Plan) workshop, we’ll explore the natural environment, conservation, and recreation.

Join us, no special knowledge required just curiosity!

As a community we are exploring how to manage natural spaces including Land, Rivers, and Sea and connections to wild spaces  for today and the future and considering the needs of people who live here.

Let’s explore what’s here now and what’s possible.  

In addition, we will look at how this connects with  groups and organisations that can help.

We will gather on Wednesday, June 21st, we will begin at 6:30pm at Durham Hall in Lower Largo. Feel free to come along, settle in and enjoy a cup of tea anytime from 6pm

Although it’s usually a little earlier, we will definitely wrap up by 9pm.

Tea, coffee, and biscuits are always available!

Follow the link below to let us know if you can attend.

Tell anyone you think would be interested who is not on our mailing list about the event.

Please let us know in advance if you require any assistance to participate.

Thank you.

(We are also always looking for people to take things forward so let us know if you can help with any of our projects by replying to this email.)

Register for environment, conservation and recreation  

Pony Axes Return

Pony Axe S takes people who use wheelchairs to all the places where wheelchairs can’t take them.

It was such a great success when they came before !

There is no need to transfer to all terrain or beach wheelchairs, no need to leave your wheelchair behind.

They take you, in your wheelchair, anywhere & we are now taking bookings for some specially arranged dates in Lower Largo !

The dates for Pony AxeS events this summer are:

  • Monday 3rd of July
  • Tuesday 4th of July
  • Tuesday 22nd of  August
  • Wednesday 23rd of August

Time – 10.30-4.30 approximately – pony dependent!

Check out to get more background on this amazing organisation.

Please click below to book.

We will communicate to get a time to suit if your first choice isn’t available as it may book out quickly!

Book Pony AxeS now!

Fathers Day Beach Clean

It’s the best way to spend Fathers Day, we promise!

Come along and join in with this beach clean, and  if you can bring your dad – do ( and anyone else ) enjoy a pickers perk afterwards in the sea air .

We always have such a great time and get so much shifted.

Sign up to Friends of Largo Bay

Largo Area Community Council

The Largo Area Community Council monthly meeting is on at  –

The Stables Church Place Upper Largo

This coming Monday 19.06.23 at 7pm

Fife Seaweed Farm Workshops

The next workshops are in Crail Community Hall:

Wednesday 21st June
Crail Community Hall, Crail.  7.00pm – 8.30pm
Christopher Trotter, Fife’s Food Ambassador and local food expert.

Tuesday 27th June
Crail Community Hall, Crail,  7.00pm – 8.30pm
Wave and Laura Co-Founders of Seagrown, a seaweed farm in Scarborough on trade secrets and growing seaweed for profit and community benefit.

No need to register, just turn up!

New Baby and Toddler Group in New Gilston – all details below

What’s on Page

Have you visited our What’s On Page ?

Add your events and regular classes or have a browse. We are just developing so any feedback welcome.

Our deeper dive workshops are still going


A massive thank you to everyone who has been able to make it along to any of these workshops.

We are building so many great ideas that will enhance the area and tackle ongoing issues. At the end of this process we will feed back all the ideas that came in and give you a chance to vote on what matters most in your opinion.

Our next workshop is on heritage and legacy and looks at how we can protect and celebrate the history and culture locally and how we want to develop into the future.

It will be on at the Simpson Institute, Upper Largo, Tuesday the 6th of June, come anytime after 6pm to start by 6:30pm.

We will wrap up by 9pm though it’s usually a little earlier.

Please let us know if you can come by following the link below so we can get an idea of numbers.

If you know someone who is not on our mailing list and you think would be interested to attend please let them know.

If you need any kind of assistance to participate please let us know in advance and we can prepare.

Thank you

Register for Heritage and Our Thriving Villages

We continue to thank everyone who has shown an interest in these Deeper Dive workshops and want to remind you that you are helping to build an incredible amount of ideas for the future of the Largo Area.

Knowing that the time and format may not suit everyone we will have an insert in the upcoming Largo Links so keep an eye out and if you missed a workshop take some time in your household to get your ideas down, we want to catch all ages groups, interests basically as many people as we can.

We will close the gathering of these ideas at the end of June to prioritise.

There is also a survey in the link below, let us know what you think !


Seaweed Workshops continue.

Amanda Root who is a member of the group Friends Of Largo Bay and a keen seaweed advocate is running a series of free workshops looking at the whole subject and the very many uses and benefits with a longer term view to community run seaweed farming.

It has been generously funded by The Crown Estate and they will run in Anstruther, Crail and Largo. There was a great turn out to the first one and lots of interest in Seaweed.

The third one is this evening with Phil Taylor and Duncan Campbell at the Dreel Halls in Anstruther at 7pm, just show up.

All dates available on the website.

Click below for full details.

Fife Seaweed Farm Workshops

Are you coming along ?

We want you along to our workshop, and it would be great to get a variety of inputs about specific things such as:

  • walking with children
  • any mobility related access issues
  • unsafe walkways
  • your experience of speed limits
  • parking
  • speed and density of traffic
  • cycling rurally

The goal of the workshop is to come up with a range of practical ideas and actions that would help make the villages safer and more connected.

Even if you can’t make the workshop or if you can, it would be great to get an image, a story or even a short video of something you struggle with in your area to give us points of discussion and an idea of the range of things we can tackle. Send something in by hitting reply with a phone number and I will get back to you!

The workshop will run on Wednesday the 3rd of May The Paxton Centre in Lundin Links from 6pm until 9pm – it is not a drop in so come at 6 to start for 6:30.

Please register by following the link below so we can get an idea of numbers.

If you need any kind of assistance to participate please let us know in advance and we can prepare.

Thank you !

Register for Moving Around, Our Connected Villages

The Local Place Plan information boards are still at the Largo Library and more information is below.

As always get in touch if you want more information or need assistance including transport to participate.

Storymap Largo Area Local Place Plan

Be A Friend To Largo Bay !

Friends of Largo Bay have not been missing a beat and now have a full calendar of beach cleans. See below !

They are also linking with a new arts project which is spread across the communities of The Forth called the  100 Species and Friends Of Largo Bay have chosen to  look at the Dog Whelk and representing this small but surprisingly predatory creature in artistic ways to link with a bigger exhibition. No special arts experience needed – everyone welcome !

There are also opportunities to get involved with marine biodiversity monitoring for NatureScot and to build knowledge of what is in the bay.

If you want to get involved with any of these projects and activities drop Friends of Largo Bay a line on [email protected]

More on the hundred species

Many thanks for reading if you want to get in touch, just hit reply.