Community Action Plan

Dementia Friends

Dementia Friends

Hello All,

On this coming Thursday 27th June, 10am, there’ll be a meeting in Homelands – The Paxton Centre to look at the steps we take to become a ‘Dementia Friendly Area’.

This is a follow-up to the meeting held in May with Shirley Heeps of Alzheimer Scotland.

If you’d like to come along please do, and please speak to your friends and local businesses to see what they think.

Let me know if you are coming as there’ll be a cuppa for you.

Thanks and see you there on the 27th. There will be more events coming up if this one isn’t possible for you.

Largo Area Mums

Dear Community Members,

We wanted to share information about a public meeting being organised by a group of local mums in the Largo Area.

The meeting aims to address the lack of nursery places and general childcare options in the community which is of concern to the group.

Details of the meeting are as follows:

  • Date: Monday, June 3rd
  • Time: 7 PM
  • Location: Durham Hall, Lower Largo

The meeting is open to anyone especially those affected by the shortage of childcare options, including parents/carers who have been unable to secure nursery places for their children, those struggling to find childcare in general, local childcare providers, and anyone with knowledge or insights to share.

The organisers are also conducting a short survey to gather more information here.

If you’re unable to attend the meeting, please consider filling out the survey or contacting the group directly at [email protected] if you have something to add.

Summary of Upcoming Events

Events – Largo Communities Together Largo Communities Together (

  • 1st of June – Big Garden Blitz Montrave Hall.
  • 2nd of June Railway Opening Leven
  • 9th of June – Big Picnic
  • 15th June – Reading Garden Opening at the Largo Community Library

The Montrave Hall needs our help with a garden blitz as the growing season is already in full swing!  

We’re organising a workday for this Saturday starting at 1 pm.

Donations of compost, extra bedding plants, and any garden tools you can lend would be greatly appreciated. If anyone has a strimmer ( and could do some strimming even better) and some black bags too as the brown bin is very full.

You can drop off donations at The Montrave Hall during or before, contact Priya at [email protected] and THANK YOU !

Look forward to hearing from you !

Upcoming Things For You !

Dear Community Members,

Here are a few things coming up – ( for the events below – I  have the information that people have sent to me so if you have something you would like me to share next time just drop me a line and use the whatson page on the website as the more it’s used the better ! )

Community Garden News

Largo Church is thrilled to announce the completion of their new Community Garden!  They have six raised beds, and two are still available for local individuals or families interested in growing their own food. The beds are filled and ready for planting.

If you’re interested in a bed, or want to learn more about the Children’s Gardening & Nature Club and Youth Gardening Group, please fill out this short form: Community Garden ( This is  a great asset for the community and the more it’s supported the better ! You can also email Fiona Ramsay who is leading on this and the Messy Church  on [email protected].

June Prep: Railway Opening & Business Listings

Business Boost: With the Levenmouth railway opening on June 2nd, now’s the perfect time for businesses and groups to update listings on Google Maps. Double-check your hours, contact details, and descriptions for accuracy.

Tourism Opportunities:

Contact Matt Pointon ([email protected]) to be added to the LLTA (Leven Local Tourism Association) mailing list.

Welcome to Fife have added a Levenmouth Events and Offers section to their what’s on section of the website this will be live throughout the month of June. If you have any special events on for the opening or if you would like to run any special offers over the month, please add through this link.

They will be creating a QR code and promoting at Waverley Station in Edinburgh to encourage people to visit Levenmouth. Submit your Fife events ( If you want to go to Edinburgh to encourage people to take a trip to Levenmouth there is also a shout out for volunteers. Give Matt ( email above ) a shout to find out more.


All wider marketing will be directed through the Welcome to Fife website there is a recommendation that you take a few minutes to either add a business listing or update your business listing. If you have any difficulties in doing so please let Matt know.

Below are some of the things that Leven Community Council are organising for the day and I hear that the train bookings are now live through Scotrail too so go along and support them 🙂

Celebrating Volunteers!

Volunteers’ Week (June 3rd-9th) is approaching, and we want to shine a spotlight on all the amazing volunteers and what they do in the Largo area whether informal or formal – regular or adhoc for any groups at all.

If you volunteer, tell us about your project, what you love about it or share a short quote on what you do .  We’ll include your stories in a special feature and  we look to widen our support for all those who keep things going in such a huge variety of ways.

Just reply to this email 🙂

Some Upcoming Events

Some Upcoming Events ( let me know what to include in the future ) There are posters at the bottom of this email and have a look here for further details:

Events – Largo Communities Together Largo Communities Together (

  • Friends of Largo Bay Events (May):

    email [email protected] to get more information on any of these.

    • Science Saturday – May 11th Largo Library and Community Hub 2pm – Booking here:
    • Biodiversity Study Day ( Citizen Science, no experience needed, if you need support to participate let us know)- May 12th – meet at 10am at the Temple Car Park
    • Friends of Largo Bay Quiz Night – May 24th 7pm – Get in touch with The Aurrie or email [email protected] ( £12 a table, cash only BYOB)
    • Big Beach Clean Up – May 26th – 10am -12pm Massney Braes
  • Largo Twinning Events 17th -19th May( contact [email protected] for more information)
  • All In a Spring Evening Concert – Largo Parish Church 18th of May
  • Dementia Awareness Day: May 23rd 11am at the Paxton Centre (Resilience Group with the Alzheimer Society) – No booking needed.
  • Coffee Morning to support Christian Aid Sat 25th May 10am-12noon – The Stables, Upper Largo –  teas, coffees, home baking and car washing available.

Big Picnic Returns

We’re also excited about the upcoming Largo Area Big Picnic in June on the 9th and can’t wait to celebrate our incredible community so get ready for a day of community fun!

This annual event is a chance for residents, families, and visitors to come together, relax, and celebrate all things local. Bring your own picnic goodies, chairs or blankets, and enjoy a day of sunshine (we hope), laughter, and connection with your neighbours. This year will coincide with the end of volunteers week.

We’ll have games, crafts, activities, and maybe even some live music to keep the festive atmosphere going (If you would like to offer some music games fun or anything else please get in touch!! ) The Big Picnic is about enjoying the simple pleasures of your community and we will also have the emergency plan ready to roll soon too.

Let’s make this year the best one yet!

There will be a planning meeting coming up so keep an eye out for that if you want to get more involved.

Look forward to hearing from you ! Email: [email protected]

The Simpson Institute Is Asking For Help

Dear Community Members,

The Simpson Institute is hosting an open meeting tonight to discuss this highly valued community resource. Come along to the Hall from 6:30pm to join the chat.

As highlighted in our recent local place plan and community action plan, we are incredibly lucky to have fantastic community spaces like the many community halls, all maintained by dedicated volunteers.

These spaces make possible the many groups, interactions, and learning opportunities that make the Largo Area such a great place to live.

We know how much work goes on behind the scenes to keep our community vibrant. The Montrave Hall, Lundin Links is also looking for people to help in a variety of ways details below:

Also The Homelands Trust is currently in for a Movement For Good Award – increase their chances by voting here.

We know volunteers are the foundation of our amazing community. We’re exploring ways to better support them across all groups and organisations.

Stay tuned….

If you want me to include anything in the future please let me know!

Some Things Coming Up

Hello Community,

We’re thrilled to share some  news and opportunities to get involved ( if you have something you want me to share on here in the future – just drop me a line).

Biodiversity Boost!

Thanks to ecologist and ranger Tony Wilson, The Friends of Largo Bay biodiversity monitoring group learned so much about Largo Bay’s unique environment. This knowledge fuels their exciting plans for long-term biodiversity monitoring.

Calling All Seaweed Sleuths!

Join  the biodiversity team on April 24th for the Great Seaweed Search! Whether you’re an expert or just curious, this is a wonderful experience with amazing people. We’re also working to improve water quality, a top priority for our community.

Search for Seaweed.  The teams latest project is on Wednesday 24th April at 08.30.

Be a Citizen Scientist and join to help data collection across the Uk

All volunteers welcome. Wrap up well and help understanding of the environment.

Meet at Temple Car Park.

Should take about 60-90 minutes then join the group for a coffee and breakfast at The Aurrie

Want to help? You are more than welcome.

Email the group at [email protected]  or just come along next week !

Leven Welcomes the Train!

The train line reopens on June 2nd, bringing exciting events to Leven!  Businesses and groups, get your events listed by emailing [email protected]. We will have our first simple discovery trail mapped out by then too – thanks for all your help on that !

Big Picnic Returns Soon !

Don’t miss the big community picnic on June 9th – email us to get involved! It will be a fun collaborative day so we want you there and fingers crossed the sun will shine.

Largo Library & Community Hub Update

The Hub’s AGM is coming soon! Members, mark your calendars for May 9th at 5:30 pm in the Library. Want to learn more? Email them directly. Largo Library & Community Hub (

Community Plans in Action!

We’re pushing forward on our Community Action Plan and Local Place Plan proposals – stay tuned for updates!

Dementia Information Day

Join the Resilience Team’s Dementia Information Day on May 23rd, 11 am – 12:30 pm at the Paxton Centre. No booking needed!

Official Twinning Ceremony:  Celebrate the special bond between our communities with this ceremony organised by the Largo Area Community Council, local residents, and organisations between the 17th and 19th of May stay tuned for more…

Calling all writers! The Largo Links newsletter wants your stories, articles, and photographs for their next edition. Submit your work by the 1st of May!

Want to know more or ask questions – just drop me a line…

Community Clean Up

We are on the cusp of a momentous occasion – the Largo Bay Clean, a large-scale and ambitious effort aimed at not only beautifying our beloved coastlines but also making a meaningful impact on national environmental policies.

This initiative is a pivotal component of our Great British Beach Clean and aligns with the objectives set forth in the Largo Communities Together Place Plan. Our goals are twofold:

1. To uphold the pristine condition of our beaches, reinforcing our commitment to environmental stewardship.

2. To contribute our litter collection data to the Marine Conservation Society’s Database, thereby influencing National Policy on marine conservation.

Your participation is crucial.

We have designated five key areas for cleanup this coming Sunday This role not only involves hands-on effort in the cleanup but also entails contributing to a larger database that aids in policy formation.

The areas targeted for this initiative are:

– The Temple

– Silverburn

– Dumbarnie

– Lundin Golf Club

– Cocklemill Burn/Ruddon Point

Your registration can be confirmed via email at : [email protected]

Warm Welcomes

We are immensely grateful for the enthusiastic participation and invaluable contributions from our community members during the Warm Welcome sessions.

These gatherings have not only served as a platform for sharing insights and ideas but have also significantly strengthened our community bonds. As these sessions draw to a close, we wish to express our heartfelt appreciation to everyone involved and to our sponsors including Ewan Fraser, the cooks, the volunteers and all the generous donations !

Your active engagement and presence have been pivotal . While we may be concluding this series of Warm Welcome events, we look forward to continuing our journey together, building on the solid foundation of collaboration and mutual support established during these gatherings.

-Final Warm Welcome Sessions: Join us at the Simpson Institute, Upper Largo, next Tuesday from 11 am and at the Largo Library and Community Hub from 11:30 am with added bingo.

– Souper Sunday: An informal get-together on Sunday, the 31st, at the Durham Hall following the service. Enjoy soup and engaging conversations.

Paths For Everyone

We really want to push ahead with making the area more walkable, and wheelable for everyone firstly we are focusing on the pathways between Upper and Lower Largo and between New Gilston and Woodside as these are affecting many peoples quality of lives

Your stories and testimonials about the current conditions of these pathways and their impact on your daily life are invaluable to our advocacy efforts.

We are putting together a collection of stories we would love your input: please send us your images or stories that highlight the urgency for improvement in good, safe pleasant walkways specifically at these key spots but also anywhere that impacts you. This will really help us build a strong case.

Your involvement is instrumental in driving positive change within our community and beyond.

Thank you for your support and dedication.

We look forward to seeing you at the Largo Bay Clean and our community events.

Email your pathway Story to [email protected]

Local Place Plan and Community Action Plan Overview

Below is a copy of the booklet sent to every household at the beginning of March.

Community Update and Call to Action:


Our Warm Welcome Tuesdays and Warm Wednesdays events will be continuing until the end of March. Join us at 11 am on Tuesday mornings in Upper Largo, and from 11:30 am at the Largo Library and Community Hub. If transport is needed to either location, please do not hesitate to let us know. Many thanks to all the incredible people who have helped and all our attendees and the sponsors for this who included local Ewan Fraser. It has been a great way to gather and get to know people and we hope to build on it year by year.

Our efforts to celebrate our heritage, culture, and identity are underway. We are currently mapping out the intriguing and interesting features for heritage trails using our initial engagements as a starting point. While this process will take some time as we carefully consider all themes, access and needs. And we would love your input.

Some ideas we initially gathered are below.

We will follow up with some public meets, we are going to bring some ideas along to the Warm Welcomes next week and broaden it out to everyone as we go…

An initial trail will come from Leven to link up with the new railway and will be supported by Welcome Levenmouth.

We are also planning for our  annual Big Picnic at the beginning of June, which will coinciding with the Levenmouth Railway opening. We encourage all community groups across Levenmouth to participate in activities during that week. Are you going to get involved? Let us know what your requirements are!

The latest edition of Largo Links has been distributed or is on its way to every household in the area. This issue includes summarised information on the local place plan and community action plan in a booklet insert, providing valuable insights into our collective vision for the future,  so many great things is already underway by various groups and individuals but it is also good to have a framework for actions to help guide what we support. We have been asked by the Development Trust Association of Scotland to share our Local Place Plan experience later on this month in Edinburgh as so many communities are keen to have their say on local development.

Progress on crucial projects such as beach wheelchairs and Changing Places Toilets is ongoing, and there has been a huge amount of work done already by several very committed people. We appreciate your patience and support as we work to enhance accessibility in our community and we will need your help once things are going to help with all the maintenance. Many people are currently unable to access one of the most popular features in the area due to access issues, and it will be  amazing to offer better access to everyone.

Our biodiversity/coastal group  Friends of Largo Bay is diligently working on data collection regarding litter and organising a biodiversity walk for next month. ( more on that soon)

Friends of Largo Bay also invite you to join them for our first beach clean of the year, The Great British Spring Clean.

Last year, they removed an impressive 2 tonnes of detritus from the beach thanks to local Farmer Bill Clarke too for his help, and are eager to surpass that achievement together this time. We need your help !!

Here are the muster points for the beach clean:

A: Silverburn car park

B: Lundin Golf Club car park

C: Temple car park

D: Dumbarnie Nature Reserve

E: Ruddons Point at Cocklemill Burn, accessed through Elie Holiday Park.

Please email [email protected] with your preferred location and the number of volunteers in your party. Sign up now 🙂

We have a limited number of litter pickers available for younger volunteers, so please let us know if they are required.

As a token of appreciation, several local businesses have generously offered discounts on the day of the beach clean:

– The Cottage Window Cafe, Silverburn Park, Leven

– The Aurrie, Lower Largo

– Lundin Coffee Co., Lundin Links

– The Mirador Cafe, Elie Holiday Park at Shell Bay.

We are immensely grateful for their support.

(The Science Saturday on Whales and Dolphins has completely booked out ! Great result 🙂 They will have a whaley good time tomorrow)

Lundin Mill Primary School Updates

The Lundin Mill P7’s are organising and hosting a Spring Fayre on the 22nd March in order to raise much needed funds towards their end of year celebration and their leavers hoodies.

The children have asked if there is anyone in our generous community who would kindly donate any raffle prizes or tombola goodies. Any help would be greatly appreciated and one of us is happy to collect. Alternatively, if you’d prefer, any items/prizes can be dropped off at the Lundin Mill school office. As ever, thank you for your continued support.

Also a great update: As some of you may have seen, Lundin Mill Primary has started a Walking Bus in the mornings in an attempt to ease up on traffic/congestion at drop off and thus keeping our kids safer and our residents happier (and it also promotes active travel to school!). They leave from the corner of Crescent Road and Emsdorf every morning at 8:45 a.m. and  have had a really good amount of children sign up and they really enjoy it. Look out for us in our fab hi viz next time you’re in the area!

Also there is still time to get in to see the 50th anniversary of Lundin Mill displays:  Due to the success of the 50th anniversary celebration Lundin Mill Primary will extend their open days tomorrow and next week, finishing on Thursday 14th March. The school will be open to visitors from 10am to 6pm so please come along and have a look at the lovely displays the children have worked hard at creating.

Please note any under 16s should be accompanied by an adult

Also: We are also looking for  help with fundraising – if you have the skills and time we would love to hear from you – email [email protected]

Huge thanks again for all the support and input ! Please get in touch with anything at all [email protected]

Fife Free Press Article

New plan unveiled by Largo trust to help create ‘thriving’ communities (

Read full article above – quoted below:

‘Largo Communities Together is a vision for an area which covers Largo, Lundin Links and several villages stretching from Silverburn up to the boundary of Ceres – and the team behind it want it to be a blueprint which leads to actions and support.

The Local Place Plan and Community Plan are two documents created by the trust and Largo Area Community Council which, put together, could lead to a “thriving, sustainable community” – in short, the pages set out the aims and aspirations of the people who live and work in the area.

The place plan is rich in detail. It covers everything from traffic and pedestrian safety improvements, to preserving heritage and the environment, travel plans, and housing. It has been a huge undertaking by the volunteer members of the trust supported by Priya Logan, its development officer.

Launching the plan at The Aurrie in Largo are (from left)M Louise Robb, Priya Logan and Alistair Brown (Pic: Fife Free Press)
Launching the plan at The Aurrie in Largo are (from left)M Louise Robb, Priya Logan and Alistair Brown (Pic: Fife Free Press)

She said: “It is not a dry plan. It captures what local people are already enthusiastic about and where their energies are going. It’s easy to find out what people are unhappy about, but it is important to also know what they are passionate about.”And across the Largo area, they found people with a real desire to see their area improved and developed. Launched in 2017, the trust has some 350 members – 10% of those eligible to vote in the area – and for Alistair Brown, its role is to listen and make sure people’s voices are then heard.

“We have taken the past, we are in the present and the future will be community action plan,” he said “Our job is to keep engaging with people so we are aware of any changes in voices.”The trust has set up a number of sub groups to focus specific passions and knowledge on key areas as it takes its remit across a huge range of issues. It wants to see community assets such as the Simpson Institute retained, while tapping into the area’s rich heritage, with more done to promote and celebrate its links to Alexander Selkirk.

Its coastal setting is perfect to explore more use of beach wheelchairs to improve accessibility to the shore, while new pathways could open up the great outdoors even further. The Friends of Largo Bay has taken off with huge enthusiasm – it is one of several sub groups at the heart of the plan – and that could open the door to tackling major issues such as upgrading sewage works, expanding wooded areas, and preserving Largo Pier.’

Our Community Action Plan

Dear Friends and Neighbours,

📣 We’re delighted to unveil our Community Action Plan on the link below. This isn’t just a plan; it’s also the  story of how we got there, mirroring the Local Place Plan yet offering a deeper insight into some of our engagements and findings, there is a way to skip forward too and have a look at our list of actions .

🔍 Central to the plan are the prioritised actions. These actions stem from a community-led process and are evolving and don’t include everything that is already in motion but do propose things that could make a difference.

🤝 Looking ahead, next up we are going to flesh out these plans with our subgroups and any community members eager to jump in. Your perspectives, voices, and feedback aren’t just welcome – they’re essential for shaping the future of these actions.

🔄 Regular reviews are on the cards to track changes in priorities and measure our path forward and make sure we are doing the right thing and spending our energy in places that matter.

🙏 Thanks again for your invaluable contributions.  Stay tuned, share your ideas, and be part of shaping this plan and what happens !

If you have any feedback please do share either by replying or on the form at the bottom of the Storymap.

Largo Area Community Action Plan