Big Picnic

The Big Picnic

Good afternoon!

Get ready for the best Big Picnic yet!

 Apologies for yet another email !! We just wanted to make sure everyone knows about The Big Picnic and a few people may have missed this.

This year’s celebration is happening on June 9th,  and we want YOU to be a part of it.

We know the notice is a bit shorter than usual. We apologize for that – we wanted to make sure our date didn’t clash with other great events like the town twinning project at the end of May and the railway opening at the start of June.

We also wanted to leave the week before free so people could enjoy those festivities.

Now, it’s all about the Big Picnic! Here’s how you can get involved:

  • Spread the Word: Tell your friends, family, neighbours – everyone’s invited!
  • Dust Off Your Picnic Basket:  Pack your favourite food and drinks.
  • Join the Fun: We’ll have games, activities, and maybe even some music. Let us know if you’d like to bring a craft, game, or musical talent to share!
  • Represent Your Group: If you’re part of a local organization, club, or group, this is a great chance to showcase what you do.

We’re also always looking for volunteers to help make the Big Picnic a success. If you’re interested in lending a hand, even for just a short while, please let us know!

More details about the Big Picnic are coming soon. In the meantime, mark your calendars and simply reply to this email if you plan on joining us!

Let’s make this year’s Big Picnic the biggest and best one yet!

Thank you again for everything you do!