Upcoming Things For You !

Dear Community Members,

Here are a few things coming up – ( for the events below – I  have the information that people have sent to me so if you have something you would like me to share next time just drop me a line and use the whatson page on the Largoct.org.uk website as the more it’s used the better ! )

Community Garden News

Largo Church is thrilled to announce the completion of their new Community Garden!  They have six raised beds, and two are still available for local individuals or families interested in growing their own food. The beds are filled and ready for planting.

If you’re interested in a bed, or want to learn more about the Children’s Gardening & Nature Club and Youth Gardening Group, please fill out this short form: Community Garden (office.com). This is  a great asset for the community and the more it’s supported the better ! You can also email Fiona Ramsay who is leading on this and the Messy Church  on [email protected].

June Prep: Railway Opening & Business Listings

Business Boost: With the Levenmouth railway opening on June 2nd, now’s the perfect time for businesses and groups to update listings on Google Maps. Double-check your hours, contact details, and descriptions for accuracy.

Tourism Opportunities:

Contact Matt Pointon ([email protected]) to be added to the LLTA (Leven Local Tourism Association) mailing list.

Welcome to Fife have added a Levenmouth Events and Offers section to their what’s on section of the website this will be live throughout the month of June. If you have any special events on for the opening or if you would like to run any special offers over the month, please add through this link.

They will be creating a QR code and promoting at Waverley Station in Edinburgh to encourage people to visit Levenmouth. Submit your Fife events (welcometofife.com) If you want to go to Edinburgh to encourage people to take a trip to Levenmouth there is also a shout out for volunteers. Give Matt ( email above ) a shout to find out more.


All wider marketing will be directed through the Welcome to Fife website there is a recommendation that you take a few minutes to either add a business listing or update your business listing. If you have any difficulties in doing so please let Matt know.

Below are some of the things that Leven Community Council are organising for the day and I hear that the train bookings are now live through Scotrail too so go along and support them 🙂

Celebrating Volunteers!

Volunteers’ Week (June 3rd-9th) is approaching, and we want to shine a spotlight on all the amazing volunteers and what they do in the Largo area whether informal or formal – regular or adhoc for any groups at all.

If you volunteer, tell us about your project, what you love about it or share a short quote on what you do .  We’ll include your stories in a special feature and  we look to widen our support for all those who keep things going in such a huge variety of ways.

Just reply to this email 🙂

Some Upcoming Events

Some Upcoming Events ( let me know what to include in the future ) There are posters at the bottom of this email and have a look here for further details:

Events – Largo Communities Together Largo Communities Together (largoct.org.uk)

  • Friends of Largo Bay Events (May):

    email [email protected] to get more information on any of these.

    • Science Saturday – May 11th Largo Library and Community Hub 2pm – Booking here: https://ticketsource.co.uk/largo-library-community-hub
    • Biodiversity Study Day ( Citizen Science, no experience needed, if you need support to participate let us know)- May 12th – meet at 10am at the Temple Car Park
    • Friends of Largo Bay Quiz Night – May 24th 7pm – Get in touch with The Aurrie or email [email protected] ( £12 a table, cash only BYOB)
    • Big Beach Clean Up – May 26th – 10am -12pm Massney Braes
  • Largo Twinning Events 17th -19th May( contact [email protected] for more information)
  • All In a Spring Evening Concert – Largo Parish Church 18th of May
  • Dementia Awareness Day: May 23rd 11am at the Paxton Centre (Resilience Group with the Alzheimer Society) – No booking needed.
  • Coffee Morning to support Christian Aid Sat 25th May 10am-12noon – The Stables, Upper Largo –  teas, coffees, home baking and car washing available.

Big Picnic Returns

We’re also excited about the upcoming Largo Area Big Picnic in June on the 9th and can’t wait to celebrate our incredible community so get ready for a day of community fun!

This annual event is a chance for residents, families, and visitors to come together, relax, and celebrate all things local. Bring your own picnic goodies, chairs or blankets, and enjoy a day of sunshine (we hope), laughter, and connection with your neighbours. This year will coincide with the end of volunteers week.

We’ll have games, crafts, activities, and maybe even some live music to keep the festive atmosphere going (If you would like to offer some music games fun or anything else please get in touch!! ) The Big Picnic is about enjoying the simple pleasures of your community and we will also have the emergency plan ready to roll soon too.

Let’s make this year the best one yet!

There will be a planning meeting coming up so keep an eye out for that if you want to get more involved.

Look forward to hearing from you ! Email: [email protected]

The Simpson Institute Is Asking For Help

Dear Community Members,

The Simpson Institute is hosting an open meeting tonight to discuss this highly valued community resource. Come along to the Hall from 6:30pm to join the chat.

As highlighted in our recent local place plan and community action plan, we are incredibly lucky to have fantastic community spaces like the many community halls, all maintained by dedicated volunteers.

These spaces make possible the many groups, interactions, and learning opportunities that make the Largo Area such a great place to live.

We know how much work goes on behind the scenes to keep our community vibrant. The Montrave Hall, Lundin Links is also looking for people to help in a variety of ways details below:

Also The Homelands Trust is currently in for a Movement For Good Award – increase their chances by voting here.

We know volunteers are the foundation of our amazing community. We’re exploring ways to better support them across all groups and organisations.

Stay tuned….

If you want me to include anything in the future please let me know!

Some Things Coming Up

Hello Community,

We’re thrilled to share some  news and opportunities to get involved ( if you have something you want me to share on here in the future – just drop me a line).

Biodiversity Boost!

Thanks to ecologist and ranger Tony Wilson, The Friends of Largo Bay biodiversity monitoring group learned so much about Largo Bay’s unique environment. This knowledge fuels their exciting plans for long-term biodiversity monitoring.

Calling All Seaweed Sleuths!

Join  the biodiversity team on April 24th for the Great Seaweed Search! Whether you’re an expert or just curious, this is a wonderful experience with amazing people. We’re also working to improve water quality, a top priority for our community.

Search for Seaweed.  The teams latest project is on Wednesday 24th April at 08.30.

Be a Citizen Scientist and join to help data collection across the Uk

All volunteers welcome. Wrap up well and help understanding of the environment.

Meet at Temple Car Park.

Should take about 60-90 minutes then join the group for a coffee and breakfast at The Aurrie

Want to help? You are more than welcome.

Email the group at [email protected]  or just come along next week !

Leven Welcomes the Train!

The train line reopens on June 2nd, bringing exciting events to Leven!  Businesses and groups, get your events listed by emailing [email protected]. We will have our first simple discovery trail mapped out by then too – thanks for all your help on that !

Big Picnic Returns Soon !

Don’t miss the big community picnic on June 9th – email us to get involved! It will be a fun collaborative day so we want you there and fingers crossed the sun will shine.

Largo Library & Community Hub Update

The Hub’s AGM is coming soon! Members, mark your calendars for May 9th at 5:30 pm in the Library. Want to learn more? Email them directly. Largo Library & Community Hub (largolibraryfife.org.uk)

Community Plans in Action!

We’re pushing forward on our Community Action Plan and Local Place Plan proposals – stay tuned for updates!

Dementia Information Day

Join the Resilience Team’s Dementia Information Day on May 23rd, 11 am – 12:30 pm at the Paxton Centre. No booking needed!

Official Twinning Ceremony:  Celebrate the special bond between our communities with this ceremony organised by the Largo Area Community Council, local residents, and organisations between the 17th and 19th of May stay tuned for more…

Calling all writers! The Largo Links newsletter wants your stories, articles, and photographs for their next edition. Submit your work by the 1st of May!

Want to know more or ask questions – just drop me a line…

Community Council

Your Voice Matters at the Largo Area Community Council Meeting

The upcoming Largo Area Community Council meeting is your chance to have your say on the issues that matter most to you and your community!

Mark your calendars! The meeting will be held this coming Monday, 15th of April, at 7:00 PM in the New Gilston Hall.

Why should you attend?

Everyone is welcome, no need to book! The community council thrives on the participation of residents like you. Your ideas and concerns are essential for creating a thriving community for everyone.

Join us this coming Monday at 7:00 PM in the New Gilston Hall. We look forward to seeing you there!

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the agenda items:

On behalf of the Largo Area Community Council

We Want You To Help Out

Calling Largo Bay Nature Enthusiasts!

The Friends of Largo Bay are revving up their biodiversity project and would love your involvement!

Back in January, there was a call for volunteers to explore the bay’s biodiversity.

Since then, project leads have been brainstorming and drawing inspiration from other coastal areas.

Here’s how you can get involved:

Drop-in Session at the Railway Inn!

Join a casual meet-up at the Railway Inn on Tuesday & Wednesday, April 2nd & 3rd (6:30-7:30pm). That’s tonight & tomorrow evening 🙂

See the attached poster for details!

What to expect:

  • Community Chat & Recruitment: Discuss the project, meet fellow nature enthusiasts, and potentially join the team!
  • Marine Expertise Wanted! The project is especially looking for volunteers with marine biology knowledge to share their expertise.
  • Species ID Days & New Areas: Plans for further species identification days are in the works, potentially focusing on the west side towards the harbor (thanks, Gail!).
  • Data Update: Data collected through Epicollect will be submitted to the Fife Nature Records Centre. Some entries may require editing for accuracy before submission. (https://five.epicollect.net/project/my-profile/data)
  • Seagrass Training & Monitoring: Project leads will be attending seagrass training and share the knowledge with the group. A big thanks to Niall and Lou for their continued interest in monitoring this important habitat!
  • Citizen Science Opportunities: The group might participate in the Marine Conservation Society’s Big Seaweed Search, as data for our region is scarce. (https://www.mcsuk.org/what-you-can-do/citizen-science/big-seaweed-search/)

Collaboration is Key!

The project aims to leverage support and expertise from other organizations. Efforts to collaborate with NatureScot (who funded equipment) and explore transect work options will continue.

Your Input Matters!

This is a community-led project, so your thoughts and suggestions are valuable!

See you at the Railway Inn, no obligation just come along and find out more!

On Behalf of The Friends of Largo Bay

Also, enjoy this article from Welcome To Fife – Shared by Matt Pointon Levenmmouth Tourism Project Manager:

Welcome to Fife : 14 reasons to take the train to Levenmouth in 2024

We Are Studying The Species Of Largo Bay

Just a note from the biodiversity monitoring group of Friends of Largo Bay

Are you interested in marine biology, marine science, citizen science projects, snorkeling, diving, natural history, seagrass/kelp?

If so, the Friends of Largo Bay are inviting you to join them in exploring Largo Bay!

They are looking for people who are interested in helping them explore the bay especially if you have prior experience but also if you are just curious and want to get involved!

There will be a meeting at The Railway Inn on Tuesday, April 2nd and Wednesday, April 3rd from 6:30 to 7:30 pm.

Email: [email protected]

Or just come along 🙂

A Major Triumph For The Bay


Dear All,

I hope this message finds you well, today we give acknowledgement to the accomplishment and pride that Friends of Largo Bay must feel after yesterday’s monumental beach clean along Largo Bay.

Organising such an event starting from five distinct locations was no small feat, and the dedication and hard work of everyone involved have not gone unnoticed. Well done to a very dedicated team.

A significant aspect of their endeavour was not only to clear the beaches of litter but also to contribute valuable data to the Marine Conservation Society. The meticulous counting of every piece of plastic and polystyrene has provided critical insights into the types, quantities, and locations of coastal debris, enhancing the understanding and strategies for marine conservation.

Yesterday marked a significant milestone in the Great British Spring Clean, witnessing an absolutely epic turnout of 99 volunteers, among whom was David Spence from the Fife Street Champions, contributing immensely by aiding in the uplift of collected bags alongside Fife Coast and Countryside Trust.

Notably, local farmer David Russell played a pivotal role with his tractor, facilitating the removal of cumbersome items like tractor wheels, nets, ropes, heavy plastic, and creels.

This event also marked the groups inaugural attempt at litter surveying for the Marine Conservation Society, a venture met with success thanks to the dedication of our teams who meticulously identified even the smallest fragments for accurate allocation. Blessed with sunshine, the day was undeniably well spent across two productive hours.

Looking forward, they are excited to announce five more beach cleans scheduled for this year, revisiting the areas tackled yesterday.

These subsequent cleans will include another round of litter surveying, enhancing our contribution to building a comprehensive understanding of the challenges our shorelines face.

These efforts are crucial in assisting the Marine Conservation Society with the data necessary to influence policy decisions aimed at protecting our environment.

We encourage our community to stay engaged by checking for updates on the Facebook group – search Friends of Largo Bay, and to stay informed through their newsletters and emails, which can be subscribed to by contacting [email protected]

Let’s continue the collective effort: keep picking up litter and keep participating in these vital community actions.

Finally, thank you to wonderful local businesses: The Aurrie, Lower Largo,  The Cottage Window Cafe Silverburn, Lundie Coffee Company, Lundin Links and the Mirador Cafe, Elie for the Pickers’ Perks, adding a much-appreciated boost to our volunteers’ spirits.

The collective effort of everyone involved yesterday not only showcases the local commitment to environmental stewardship but also strengthens community bonds.

Together, so many have made a tangible difference in preserving the natural beauty of Largo Bay for future generations.

After todays chilly blast – Stay Warm and you’re welcome !

As we approach the conclusion of our Warm Welcome days, it’s with a note of gratitude and anticipation that we remind everyone we’re entering the final week of these cherished gatherings.

Tomorrow marks our last Simpson Institute Upper Largo Warm Welcome event, promising a special treat as Christopher Trotter will be delighting us with his homemade soup. We invite you to join us from 11 am at the Simpson Institute Upper Largo for this heart-warming occasion.

The warmth continues into the week with our Warm Wednesday event at the Largo Library and Community Hub. Starting at 11:30 am, it’s a perfect midweek uplift featuring Bingo, guaranteed to bring smiles and laughter. And to round off our Warm Welcome days, there is a Souper Sunday gathering at Durham Hall this Sunday.

We owe a tremendous thank you to all our generous volunteers and to those who’ve contributed, including Ewan Fraser and Fife Council, whose support has been invaluable. These events have been made all the richer thanks to your efforts and contributions.

We look forward to seeing you at these final gatherings, everyone is welcome !