A few updates

At our next (and final Build Our Place Plan) workshop, we’ll explore the natural environment, conservation, and recreation.

Join us, no special knowledge required just curiosity!

As a community we are exploring how to manage natural spaces including Land, Rivers, and Sea and connections to wild spaces  for today and the future and considering the needs of people who live here.

Let’s explore what’s here now and what’s possible.  

In addition, we will look at how this connects with  groups and organisations that can help.

We will gather on Wednesday, June 21st, we will begin at 6:30pm at Durham Hall in Lower Largo. Feel free to come along, settle in and enjoy a cup of tea anytime from 6pm

Although it’s usually a little earlier, we will definitely wrap up by 9pm.

Tea, coffee, and biscuits are always available!

Follow the link below to let us know if you can attend.

Tell anyone you think would be interested who is not on our mailing list about the event.

Please let us know in advance if you require any assistance to participate.

Thank you.

(We are also always looking for people to take things forward so let us know if you can help with any of our projects by replying to this email.)

Register for environment, conservation and recreation  

Pony Axes Return

Pony Axe S takes people who use wheelchairs to all the places where wheelchairs can’t take them.

It was such a great success when they came before !

There is no need to transfer to all terrain or beach wheelchairs, no need to leave your wheelchair behind.

They take you, in your wheelchair, anywhere & we are now taking bookings for some specially arranged dates in Lower Largo !

The dates for Pony AxeS events this summer are:

  • Monday 3rd of July
  • Tuesday 4th of July
  • Tuesday 22nd of  August
  • Wednesday 23rd of August

Time – 10.30-4.30 approximately – pony dependent!

Check out www.ponyaxes.com to get more background on this amazing organisation.

Please click below to book.

We will communicate to get a time to suit if your first choice isn’t available as it may book out quickly!

Book Pony AxeS now!

Fathers Day Beach Clean

It’s the best way to spend Fathers Day, we promise!

Come along and join in with this beach clean, and  if you can bring your dad – do ( and anyone else ) enjoy a pickers perk afterwards in the sea air .

We always have such a great time and get so much shifted.

Sign up to Friends of Largo Bay

Largo Area Community Council

The Largo Area Community Council monthly meeting is on at  –

The Stables Church Place Upper Largo

This coming Monday 19.06.23 at 7pm

Fife Seaweed Farm Workshops

The next workshops are in Crail Community Hall:

Wednesday 21st June
Crail Community Hall, Crail.  7.00pm – 8.30pm
Christopher Trotter, Fife’s Food Ambassador and local food expert.

Tuesday 27th June
Crail Community Hall, Crail,  7.00pm – 8.30pm
Wave and Laura Co-Founders of Seagrown, a seaweed farm in Scarborough on trade secrets and growing seaweed for profit and community benefit.

No need to register, just turn up!

New Baby and Toddler Group in New Gilston – all details below

What’s on Page

Have you visited our What’s On Page ?

Add your events and regular classes or have a browse. We are just developing so any feedback welcome.