What changes you would like to see.

In our postcard community views survey we also asked what changes you would like to see in the future to give us a snapshot of possible priorities within our local place plan.

Here are some of the results and  themes that came out were as follows:



Better transport links from and to the villages, cycling paths and safe walking routes all featured in the answers. Some areas had very specific issues in this regard which were reflected in the responses.

“Access along the railway for bikes. More local children on the beach.”

“A system of bike paths throughout Fife would improve the place.”


There were comments about removing the speed bumps in Lundin Links but also some requests for speed bumps in Upper Largo as well as a 20 mph speed limit to be introduced.

There were also several other comments on traffic related issues

“More restrictions on traffic. Bumps have made much improvement.”

 “No speed bumps through the village”

“ Removal of speed bumps. Larger vehicles continue to speed and the car owners are having to cover the expenses for damage caused.”

 “Less volume of traffic on main road and more Pedestrian crossings.”

Parking Issues Solved

There were suggestions of parking permits as well as out of town residents parking, making the point that it is an issue that affects many people.

“Improved parking, the car park up the hill could do with markings as people park in front of bins and bin lorries cannot get access. Some of the access routes to the beach are poor and hazardous.”

“Residents car parking permits.”

Affordable Housing, Some Regulation on Air BnB’s

There were quite a few comments referring to the need for affordable housing especially for families as well as a protection from too many Air BnB’s making this impossible.

“I would prefer to see more young families settling in the Village who can enjoy the amenities all year round.”

“More affordable housing being built. Housing being given to locals, before and after school clubs. School crossing offices. Groups for children in the local halls.”

“ Restriction on properties bought as holiday lets. We don’t want to become another Elie.”

“Reverse holiday homes/lets. Property to be sold to people who want to live in the village permanently. More young people living in the village.”

Refurbishment of Derelict Structures

There was a lot of interest in dilapidated structures being restored.

“Lundin links hotel demolished or developed. More outdoor events.”

“To get the harbour repaired.”

 “ The jetty repaired.”

Protection of Beauty and Character, Cleaning Up

There was a desire that the unique beauty and character of the villages was not lost and that littering was addressed.

“The neglected parts tidied up and looking better! No more building ! Lots of trees getting planted wherever possible - especially to the east of village near drainage and maybe across the length of the new estate. We need to plant more trees.”

“Lower Largo becomes designated bathing beach. More fines for owners that don’t pick up after their dogs.”

“Village could be prettier if more people would consider painting their houses. Introduction of regular farmers markets. Restoration of our historic pier. Robinson Crusoe visitors centre and better marketing.”

“General maintenance to communal areas. Regular pavement sweeps and rubbish uplifts. Massney braes being upgraded - picnic tables, seating, general tidy. 2nd home policy - locals can’t get on property market.”

“Beach designation - so sewage not pumped into sea. A community asset that could open - Youth Clubs. Hub and much more. “

“More money spent on little touches like flower tubs and signage.”

“Special landscape areas, maintaining village identity with no more development east of the village ensuring utilities can cope with the overload already, maintain greenbelts”

Accessibility for Disabled

This came up quite a bit in the answers in terms of making amenities available to all.

“Neighbourhood watch rolled out across the area. The flexi bus to take in this area. Buses are good - only if you can get to a bus stop. Access to the beach at Lundin Links to be improved for those with limited or wheeled mobility, A network of paths. The pier rebuilt. More emphasis on Robinson Crusoe history.”

“Access to the beach - Beach wheelchairs ! A toilet I can actually use - a changing places - so that I don’t always have to head home to use it. “accessible” transport links where I can be spontaneous and not have to book.”

“Better mobility access to the beach. Lundin Links Hotel used or flattened.”

Improved Amenities and Usage of Those We Have

A few responses referred to the need for better amenities or more use of the ones that currently exist.

“Mobile shop for 2 hours/day? Doctors surgery 2 days/week/ More concerts in Simpsons/Church.”

“More sharing of the community assets we have for community group use. What could do to temporarily house refugees from Syria. Afghanistan and Ukraine. Un-used holiday homes. Club together to pay rent or bills for a period of time?”

“Public notice of events being organised so that others can join in. Clear instructions on how to join the community council. A dog training field at the common.”

Again, if you would like to add your views to this please fill in the form below.