Warm Summer Salutations


We hope this email finds you in high spirits as Largo Arts Week comes alive with vibrant activities. all details here: Largo Arts Week | Largoartsweek.

There’s an abundance of things to do and see in the villages and the Friends of Largo Bay have also set up shop at the Temple Car Park, creating a welcoming space for everyone to stop in learn about the biodiversity and activities and do a quick litter pick if you fancy .

Go say hello !!

Largo Fife Seaweed Farm Workshops !

Make sure and mark your calendars for the upcoming Fife Seaweed Farm workshops, the first one being on Tuesday, 25th July, at Largo Library,  it starts at 7 pm and ends at 8:30pm.

This first event will feature Rory McPhee, seaweed expert, and Cally Nurse, an incredible artist. Together, they will offer a fresh perspective on seaweed, providing a unique experience and new viewpoints, don’t miss out.

No need to book in advance, just come along and enjoy the evening, subsequent dates are available on the poster below.

The Big Picnic is Back!

We’re also thrilled to announce that the highly-anticipated big picnic is making its comeback on the 27th of August 2023!

We’d love to see you there, and if you represent a community group and want to be part of the event, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Of course, you’re more than welcome to join us for a splendid day with your friends, bringing your own picnic to enjoy the festivities.

Speaking of festivities, we are also on the lookout for a talented musician(s)to add some extra charm to the day. If you or someone you know has a musical flair, we’d be delighted to have you play on the day!

Furthermore, we have some great news to share – our draft Local Place Plan will be completed by then, so, don’t miss the opportunity to come and say hello, and let us know your thoughts on it before submission.

Pony Axes Return

Pony Axe S takes people who use wheelchairs to all the places where wheelchairs can’t take them.

There is no need to transfer to all terrain or beach wheelchairs, no need to leave your wheelchair behind.

They take you, in your wheelchair, anywhere & we are now taking bookings for some specially arranged dates in Lower Largo !

The remaining dates for Pony AxeS events this summer are below, though they are booking fast. People had such a good time at the previous ones.

  • Tuesday 22nd of  August
  • Wednesday 23rd of August

Time – 10.30-4.30 approximately – pony dependent!

Check out www.ponyaxes.com to get more background on this amazing organisation.

Please click below to book.

We will communicate to get a time to suit if your first choice isn’t available as it may book out quickly!

Book Pony AxeS now!