Warming Up Winter


A heartfelt thank you to those who have already provided feedback on our local place plan. Here.

Your insights have been helpful and will help us before submission and if you haven’t had a chance to weigh in, there’s still time to make your voice heard…

There will also be a community action plan unveiled at this years AGM dates announced very soon.

I’m also excited to remind you that our Warm Welcome series is back tomorrow! If you’re eager to shake off the winter blues and mingle with your neighbours, this is the perfect opportunity.

What’s On the Menu?

Expect the cosy essentials: hot tea, coffee, and soup to keep you warm.

When and Where?

Tuesdays: Simpson Institute, 11 am to 1 pm (starting November 7th)

Wednesdays: Largo Library, 11:30 am start for Bingo Library opens at 10am 🎉

Last Sunday of the Month: Durham Hall, ‘Souper’ Sunday

Why Attend?

Warm Welcome events are more than just a gathering; they’re a great platform for socializing, relaxing, and staying updated on upcoming community events and local resources.

Plus, Bingo is now part of Wednesday meets at Largo Library!

And on the 14th of November Bogusia Doyle of Localities Carer Support Worker will be at the Simpson Institute to share resources for carers.

And much more to be announced as we go along…


A big shoutout to Ewan Fraser, Fife Council, our dedicated volunteers, and local businesses for making this possible.

I’ll be at Largo Library tomorrow during the Warm Welcome session, so feel free to stop by and share your thoughts on the local place plan, and next week at the first Upper Largo Warm Welcome.  The information notice period ends on the 15th of November. After that we will review before submission.

For more information, just send me an email ! [email protected]

Looking forward to seeing you soon