🌊 Dive Into the Fascinating World of Seaweed THIS EVENING at Largo Library!

A big thanks to everyone who dropped in to the Friends of Largo Bay tent and hope you all had Β a wonderful Largo Arts Week.

We’re thrilled to remind you about the 2nd Largo Fife Seaweed Farm Talk, happening THIS VERY EVENING at the Largo Library and Community Hub.

What’s more? It’s absolutely FREE and no booking is required! πŸŽ‰

We’re privileged to host Charles Millar, the CEO of the Sustainable Inshore Fisheries Trust, and Jayson Byles from East Neuk Seaweed.

These dedicated seaweed enthusiasts will enlighten us about Seaweed and Sustainability and unfold the mesmerizing secrets of our local coasts and intertidal zones. 🌊

It’s the perfect chance to strengthen your knowledge about what Seaweed can do and what options are down the line and gather insights on how you can contribute to a more sustainable approach to our oceans. πŸŒπŸ’š

πŸ—“οΈ It’s Happening This Evening: August 1st

πŸ“ Join Us At: Largo Library and Community Hub

⏰ We Kick-Off At: 7pm

Take part in this adventure in the intriguing, awe-inspiring world of seaweed which has been generously sponsored by The Crown Estate.

Looking forward to seeing you this evening, the last one is next week, all details below….

A Reminder: The Big Picnic is Back!

Fellow Picnic Enthusiasts!

Guess what’s back on the calendar? The much-loved, big picnic event! We are all set to bring the fun back on the 27th of August 2023, and we would be delighted to see you there!

Are you part of a community group and keen to take part in this day of joy and camaraderie? If so don’t hesitate, reach out to us and let’s add even more sparkle to this day. Either way invite your pals and pack your favourite picnic goodies to relish amidst the cheerful festivities. Let’s hope we see the Sun too!.

We’re also scouting for a melody maestro or a groovy band to add some foot-tapping charm to the event. Know someone or have the talent yourself? We would be thrilled to hear you play live at the picnic! 🎡

Last but not least, we have an exciting announcement to make. By the time we meet for the picnic, our draft Local Place Plan will be ready for your perusal. We’d love for you to swing by, say hello, and share your valuable feedback on the plan before we finalize it. πŸ“œ

So, come along and let’s create unforgettable memories together!

Can’t wait to see you!