🌊 A few updates and a reminder that you can get involved in it all…


Hi All,

I hope this email finds you well. Yesterday  was a momentous day for Friends of Largo Bay, and I’m thrilled to share their exciting updates with you.

Seagrass Day at Largo Bay 🌱:

Yesterday was Seagrass Day, and we were blessed with wonderful sunshine ☀️. With the full support of 19 dedicated volunteers, Friends of Largo Bay conducted a survey of a section of the Bay to determine the number of seagrass colonies growing there.

Over the past few months, they have identified five colonies of variable sizes, but today’s painstaking and time-consuming observation rewarded us with the find of an additional sixth colony!

Not only did they discover this new colony, but they also found a fair number of plants with seed pods.

A huge thank you 🙏 to everyone who contributed with  time, enthusiasm, and great company.

Upcoming Beach Clean

The next Friends of Largo Bay Beach Clean is on the 26th of August at Silverburn and we want you there !

All details on the poster below.

If you want to help the Friends of Largo Bay table at the Big Picnic, get in touch as it would be very much appreciated by all.

Final Fife Seaweed Farm Workshop 🌊:

Don’t forget, the final Fife Seaweed farm workshop is on tomorrow evening with Fantastic Herbalist Anna Kinross and Local Food Ambassador Christopher Trotter. They’ll be sharing their insights on the possibilities and potencies of Seaweed.

This promises to be an enlightening event, and we hope to see many of you there.

FREE and no booking is required! 🎉

🗓️ It’s Happening  August 8th

📍 Join Us At: Largo Library and Community Hub

⏰ We Kick-Off At: 7pm

Take part in this adventure in the intriguing, awe-inspiring world of seaweed which has been generously sponsored by The Crown Estate.

A Reminder: The Big Picnic is Back!

Fellow Picnic Enthusiasts!

Guess what’s back on the calendar? The much-loved, big picnic event! We are all set to bring the fun back on the 27th of August 2023, and we would be delighted to see you there!

Are you part of a community group and keen to take part in this day of joy and camaraderie? If so don’t hesitate, reach out to us and let’s add even more sparkle to this day. Either way invite your pals and pack your favourite picnic goodies to relish amidst the cheerful festivities. Let’s hope we see the Sun too!.

We’re also scouting for a melody maestro or a groovy band to add some foot-tapping charm to the event. Know someone or have the talent yourself? We would be thrilled to hear you play live at the picnic! 🎵

Last but not least, we have an exciting announcement to make. By the time we meet for the picnic, our draft Local Place Plan will be ready for your perusal. We’d love for you to swing by, say hello, and share your valuable feedback on the plan before we finalize it. 📜

So, come along and let’s create unforgettable memories together!

Can’t wait to see you!